You’ve been in denial for most of September, but now October is here you can’t deny that summer is over and you’ll soon experience the first frosts and cold snaps of the winter. Of course you can’t mark these snaps down on a calendar, but you know they’re coming soon, so be prepared! You could even get ahead of the curve by thinking about your old boiler – it’s served you well for years now, but is it time to join the green revolution and replace your boiler?
It’s all very well finding that all-important cheap home heating oil, but if your boiler isn’t working as well as it used to, you could make further savings by investing in a more fuel-efficient boiler.
Can you tell if it’s time to update your boiler?
You’re surprisingly fond of the old girl – you know all her quirks and rumblings and how to treat her just right after all these years. The years have passed, though, and you may be seeing some signs that it’s time to let go. Don’t ignore these warnings, as you may suddenly find yourself without heat!
It’s been more than a year since the last service
You need at least one annual check and service to keep things in order and clean. Even with a relatively new boiler, going for long periods without a bit of TLC will reduce the efficiency, so keep on top of this. Additionally, because you live with your boiler, you may not notice slight changes here and there because they happen gradually. It’s especially important to call in a professional to monitor these changes because they could harm your family.
In between services, there are still changes to look out for, as these could spell the end of useful life for your boiler. Look for water leaks around the base of the boiler, which could mean worn parts or damage inside – something that needs immediate attention.
You also need a techie to make sure the fuel is being burnt properly and completely, as carbon monoxide leaks or build-ups can be fatal. Worst of all is the fact that this gas is undetectable by humans and animals, so a check-up or an upgrade will give you peace of mind.
Strange noises
Lastly, listen out for any odd noises – they could mean something has gone awry with the internal workings. Changes in the water temperature can also mean problems, too. If it’s hotter or colder than you’d expect, call in a technician.
If you do decide on a new boiler…
Now you know what to look for if you’re thinking about replacing your boiler. You may be thinking about upgrading as part of a greening-up plan, too, so you’ll be looking at energy-efficient boilers. These boilers have much larger heat exchangers, which mean they absorb more of the heat, sending it into the system rather than straight up the flue along with waste vapours.
Also known as condensing boilers, these machines condense the vapours created, recouping a greater proportion of the heat energy. If you install one of these in your home, you’ll be warmer, richer (well, a bit), safer and greener.