Whether you’re about to go on a no-frills backpacking trip to the mountains, a road trip across the America or you’re traveling to a wedding two states over, you need to consider what to bring with you – more than the usual items. As Franz Kafka rightfully said “Better to have, and not need, than need, and not have.”
You will find thousands of guides that will instruct you how many shirts you must bring for a weeklong trip or which items you should bring if you will travel to the mountain ridges. The fact is that all of this information can get muddled. This article won’t try to list everything you need, but things you should consider bringing with you before traveling.
First Aid Kit. Because sickness or accidents happen to the best of us, bringing a first aid kit with you ensures that you can enjoy the entire trip without much discomfort. Your kit should include pain relievers, band aids, ointments, antacids, bug repellent, sunburn cream. You should also bring one of chemmart’s sore throat solutions since temperature changes tend to have a negative effect on our throat, making it hoarse, itchy or painful. Keep all these items with you at all time.
Compact stain remover pen. It’s extremely annoying to have packed all you need, on your way to the airport when suddenly spilled soft drink on your jeans that you had planned to wear at least 6 more times. Having a compact will save you the hassle of changing your clothes when you’re ready to leave.
Personal all-around towel. You’ll be surprised how much a piece of towel can make your traveling life better. Even if you are planning to stay in a 5-star hotel, you will never know when a rain storm will hit and catch you off guard and longing for a dry towel. There’s one in the hotel, sure. But it’s still wet since you used it earlier in the morning. Many youth hostels require you to pay a deposit or a fee if you need a towel, but who wants a towel that has been washed and used so many times, right?
Extra money. You wouldn’t want being caught off guard without money in a strange place. This is why it makes sense to bring extra dough with you in your travels. But don’t put everything in one place. For instance, keep your passport, photocopy of your important documents, and a few bills in the local currency with you. Hide another copy of the documents in your suitcase/rucksack in case you lost your first set. Hopefully, you won’t be needing them, but it will be extremely comforting to have it just in case.
Bring a charger adapter. Countries have varied sized plugs and voltage, so if you want to use your Smartphone or other devices, remember to carry an adapter with you.
Bring snacks. Traveling to any new location is always fun, but eating in an unfamiliar place can sometimes become a task. Bring some snacks with you, something to nibble on before finding that life-saving food cart or perfect restaurant.