These days, it seems like dating tips are a dime a dozen. Every self-help site seems like they are hawking the same old tired advice, and none of it has been working out for you.
If you are looking for alternative ways to find the one, this post will give you some ideas that you probably have not heard about elsewhere on the web.
Although they might sound a bit out of the ordinary, give them a try: what do you have to lose anyway?
1) Hire a psychic medium
Don’t laugh, but some use a psychic reading for guidance. By hiring a psychic medium, you might be able to gain insight into your aura.
It might seem far out to you, but keeping an open mind never hurt anyone. They may be able to give you suggestions on how to proceed with your life in a different way, which is vital to getting out of the rut in which you are stuck.
2) Host a White Elephant Party
You might be not used to throwing parties, but get over it. Part of your journey towards finding a mate is getting more confident in your abilities, and hosting other people is part of that process.
Plan a white elephant party, which is an event that only single people can attend. However, those that are attached to get around this requirement by bringing someone that they know is single to the event.
Do a great job putting everything together, and there will be plenty of eligible bachelors/bachelorettes that will be eying you up; there are few things more attractive these days than a person that has their ducks in a row.
3) Get a dog
If there is one thing that many guys and girls have in common, it is their mutual love for dogs. Don’t get us wrong, cats are awesome too, but do you ever take them for walks?
When you are out of the park with your energetic dog, throwing them Frisbees, sticks, etc., both of you will look adorable. This is exactly the image we want to convey.
4) Strike up a conversation with a random girl
In this digital age, the art of conversation is dying, yet there are few skills that will win a potential partner to your side quite like stringing eloquent sentences together.
How do you get good at talking to women, let alone other human beings? There is no easy answer to this: You need to get out there and talk to randoms, every chance you get.
When you learn about what doesn’t work, these bad habits and words will disappear from your vocabulary. The more you learn about what does work, the greater your chance of ending up with more dates than you have had in a long time.